Frequently asked questions
Can non-Barrington residents rent a plot?
The Garden is reserved for Barrington residents only. You must show proof of residency when you sign up for a plot. How much does it cost to rent a plot? The cost to rent a plot in 2023 is $25. The fee is reviewed on an annual basis. Can my household rent more than one plot? No. You can rent no more than one plot per household. Can I use fencing around my individual plot? Yes, you can install a small fence as we do have hungry rabbits who frequent the garden. How large are the plots? Plots are sized 5’ x 20’. How are plots assigned? Returning gardeners can renew their prior-season plot or switch to a new plot before registration is open to all Barrington residents. New lessees are assigned a plot. Where is the Barrington Community Garden located? The garden is located on the Wampanoag Trail, near the town line. Download directions to the garden. What times are the garden open? The garden is open from dawn until dusk, seven days a week. For safety reasons, the garden is not open at night. Can I use any synthetic materials to fertilize my plants or to combat pests and disease? The Barrington Community Garden is completely organic. See the organic guidelines of allowable materials and look for items with the OMRI seal (which means approved by the Organic Materials Review Institute). No synthetic materials are allowed. Is there water available and can I use a hose? Water is available from spigots installed throughout the garden, which are powered by a solar pump, thanks to a collaborative effort between the Barrington Community Garden and the Energy Committee (Read more about this exciting project.) Spigots should be turned on/off by the metal wheel handle ONLY; please do not use/reposition the red plastic valve on the riser pipe. Use of hoses is permitted; however, please take care not to disturb/damage other garden plots or pathways. |
What structures can I put in my garden?
You can have plant cages, staking, trellises etc. All non-biodegradable materials must be moved by the end-of-season cleanup date. This excludes active gardening structures that will be in use during the winter months. Please note that no netting can be used as birds do (and unfortunately have) been trapped in the netting. Can I rent a plot if I am under the age of 18? People under 18 may rent a plot with written permission of their parent or guardian and the garden coordinator. Can I sell what I grow in my plot? You can sell what you grow off site, but commercial sale of plants, fruits, and/or vegetables on site is prohibited. Is there a trash can onsite? There is no municipal trash collection at the Barrington Community Garden. All trash must be removed by the gardener and disposed offsite. Can I bring my pet? For safety reasons and for the health of the soil and plants, no pets are allowed in the garden areas at any time. What other responsibilities are expected of me? You are expected to participate in three hours of work. Instructions are in the shed. You are also responsible for keeping the North and East paths adjacent to your plot weeded and mulched (see diagram below). This is in addition to the 3 hours per plot of community work. |